Student retail design awards


Run as part of the industry "POPAI Awards", students from higher education around the country compete by submitting their retail design concepts through the online portal, answering LIVE briefs set by top retailer & brands.

With cash prizes and exposure to top design agencies, the competition also offers the chance for internships, placements and permanent jobs, making it the premier competition for 
students considering a retail design career.

Entries open October 2024

Important information


With an in-person mentoring programme provided by the best UK retail design agencies, the standard is consistently high and many entrants go on to land internships and jobs within our industry.  


There are a number of benefits for students to enter the Awards focused around future employability and gaining industry experience. The Awards give students invaluable experience of how the retail design industry works and our network of mentors can work with your University to guide them through the process.

Work submitted can be included in student portfolios to help their work stand out from other graduates looking to work in the design industry. 


Briefs for the 2024/25 competition are to be set by Co-op, L’Oreal, TUI and LEGO Group, that allow students from multi-disciplinary courses to enter according to their individual course discipline.

Students work through the brief set, including supporting information and assets provided. The final submission will consist of key visuals & renders, along with a short amount of supporting text which also covers the rationale behind the design decisions made. 


Finalists from each brief will head to London and pitch their concepts to our dragon’s, comprised of top agencies and the brief-setters. Entrants tell us this is one of their favourite elements and gives them invaluable industry experience.

Winners are announced at our annual industry awards dinner,
with an audience of 550+ industry professionals.
all finalists receive a cash prize.